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Grading In Physical Education

Participation / Attendance


Participation is an important aspect in physical education class.  Each teacher will visually asses students' participation throughout each class period, and will grade accordingly.  Students receive 10 "Participation / Attendance" points each day (except on "Fitness Days"), and will be marked down based on their effort in the activity for that day.  Showing support to classmates, working hard, and playing by the rules will allow a student to receive all ten points for that day.  Missing PE clothes and tardiness can affect the "Participation / Attendance" grade.  


Fitness Days

Students will participate in fitness days at least one time per week.  These days focus on more of the fitness aspect of physical education, and pushes students to do their best in some rigorous fitness activities.   A student can earn up to a total of 10 points on a fitness day by showing great effort and growth in fitness levels throughout the year.

Fitness Logs

Fitness Logs are worth 10 points.  Each student will participate in 30 minutes of physical activity outside of PE class every week.  If a student misses a day of PE class due to an absence from school, band, field trip, ect...  An extra 30 minutes can be recorded onto the fitness log to make up for that missed day.  If a student does not do an extra 30 minutes for a missed day, that day will be recorded as a 0.  Fitness logs can be found in the agenda, and must be signed by a responsible adult.

Examples that can be used on a fitness log:

Any practice or game in any sport

Walking the dog

Biking to school

Raking leaves

Playing tag with friends

Wii Fit



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